Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Flood Warnings have been issued for southern areas

The rain falls, rattling down in a cold, grey torrent. Shrouding my world in a veil that masks its beauty. I step briefly onto the surface of a river that is out of place, sinking the next second into a world of roiling fury. Confused, dazed and struggling for the surface. Unseen objects rush past me like they enjoy the ride, crashing against me in a wild attempt to beat eachother to our ultimate destination. "Give In!" The river spirit says to me and I long to obey. "Give In!" Say the sticks and other debris, urging me on with their sharp points or dull blows. "Give in!" Sings the wind as it roars past, taking the rain in an almost horizontal rush past my head. "Give In!" I whisper to myself, seduced by the wildness. I smile briefly and let go, allowing the river to take me, hearing the approving rush and rattle of the storm as I join it, hurtling in some general direction, enticing others to join our reckless run.


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